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Welcome to Our Website

Shanahan Printing+Graphics, Inc. is a  top-notch branding and marketing company that brings graphic design, printing, and mailing services to our clients. Located in Torrance, CA, our niche business is with nonprofit organizations, schools, and companies sponsoring special events and trade shows. We have many other clients in other business categories that enjoy our high level of customer service. Some items we print are books, color printing, signage, media kits, presentation folders, programs, newsletters, and magazines to name a few. Click here to see the full list of our products. Click here to see the full list of our products

 In this site you will find samples of our work, testimonials from happy clients, request estimate forms, send a filebutton, and pages with helpful tools and services. We are grateful you have found our site and look forward to working with you!

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Benefits of Joining a Professional Organization

A professional organization is a great option for someone looking to further his or her career, network or just learn more about his or her chosen field. Talk to your coworkers about professional organizations they’re in, and you could learn about what you’d be signing up for. Here are just a few benefits you might discover when you join a professional organization.

1. Expand your network.
You likely know the importance of connections in a work environment. They can create countless opportunities for jobs and business. Joining a professional organizations gives you an excuse to mingle with others in your industry. You are there to meet people who can help you, and vice versa. 

2. Increase your knowledge. 
You can never learn too much about the field in which you work. Professional organizations tend to put on multiple educational events members can attend. You’ll hear from highly intelligent speakers and colleagues about how to succeed, along with other insights and tips. You’ll be able to take the information you learned back to your job and impress your superiors.

3. Upgrade your resume.
Many employers like to see candidates with outside involvements. Having a professional organization on your resume shows you care about the industry and want to grow in it. Hiring managers will take note of this, and you might start seeing an increase in interviews and callbacks. 

4. Make new friends.
You can never have too many friends, right? Professional organizations are a fantastic way to meet people with similar interests. You’ll likely click with others in your organization on professional topics as well as personal. Who knows? You might just meet your new gym buddy or shopping partner.

5. Be on top of your career.
Oftentimes, professional organizations have job boards only available to their members. If you’re on the hunt for a new job, make sure to take advantage of these. Your dream job could be on one of these listings, so go join a professional organization and find it. 

6. Give back to your community.
You can often see professional organizations donating time or resources to their local communities. Consider joining one to do some good for a cause you care about. If your cause of choice isn’t on the schedule, feel free to propose it. You could be spearheading an afternoon at the animal shelter or food bank before you know it.

If a professional organization sounds like something you’d be interested in, search the internet for local chapters. You just might find your perfect fit.

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